Hi viewers welcome to my blog post 3 weeks ago we did a Geo-board. We had to saw the wood and then we show a teacher and then we wrote 2 centimeters 5 times in each line and then we get one of the hammer or wood smasher (i choose a hammer) then once you choose you hammer a nail into one of the dots then once you are done you show a teacher then you can fix it up then you can do designs with rubber band.that's the end of this blog post
BP Challenge
In Waitamata mrs Baird we had to use materials to build a straight line that is in shape of the table and the team i was in was Karl Ishaan Tyson me we made a really long one here is some photos hope you like it
we were first place we had the longest line.Bye this is it for this post):
we were first place we had the longest line.Bye this is it for this post):
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