
Showing posts from September, 2019

Film Festival

Welcome back to my blog in Term 2 we did Film Festival. Film Festival is a where you write down some ideas and then you write down your play of the topic. The topic we did was Heroes, but not like Spiderman. When we finished we had to film and compete against schools if you made to the top 3 there were 27 entry's and 4 people in each group. It was tough for us because we didn't know much about it so we go some help with some experts. We named our film Bad Luck because the whole thing was kind of bad luck the hero was! Just kidding you will have to watch to find out.  the characters were Aidan, Apollo, Jonathon, Tyson (Me), Nicholas . The main character was Jonathan, Here is  my Film Festival hope you enjoy! Before you watch it our limit of time was 3 minutes our time was 2 minutes and 30 seconds we had ten seconds extra so we added bloopers then it was 2 minutes and 50 seconds. Did you enjoy? my film it was hard because we had to green screen some bits and edit. We adde

Cross Country

Welcome bloggers I am going to talk to you about Cross Country! On the day we were sorted into groups. But the year 6's didn't because there was no year 6 poster so we had to split up to the Juniors. I was in the year 0 boys and year 1 girls it was quite easy because we didn't have to do it but the first thing we did was the obstacle course. On the obstacle course first of you had to use the bouncy thing you sit on and next one was where you had to  un s tation was wrap the circle donuts shaped and then next one is the spoon up the ladder put it down then you  go down the pole or slide then go threw the circle things and then throw it least 1 ball into the cup. Next one was the under the net that was east but next one was jump over the hurtles and then the web where you cant touch the web then you tag the next person. Cross Country is about mostly having fun but our school were running for fun run fun run is a site where you earn money for the school and if we earn eno

Maori God Art

Hi bloggers  this week we are working on a Maori God our options were Tu God of man and war, Tane God of the forest,Tangaroa God of sea,Haumia God of uncultivated and Wild food, Rongo God of agriculture. I chose Tangaroa because I wanted it to look aqua man with a spare  was trying to get it like a tornado on its tail with a spare with korus on it so it is more Maori I only did it because I wanted to make it have strong arms so I did it on its arms because he has no legs he has a water tornado I did it because I thought it would be cooler. I like doing it because I like colouring it and I will show you a quick photo if you want more of these check out other peoples ones in Te waka ako. I drawed this less than 2 days.I hope you enjoyed my blog please check out my others and next fridays blog bye!   


Hi bloggers, on the 12th of August we were at Mt Ruapehu but on the 20th of August we were at the Crossing  lodge. The crossing lodge is a place where you stay if you are going to go to Mt Ruapehu. They let you stay because it is a long way and not many people live close so they usually stay there. It took 9 hours and 40 minutes to get to the Crossing lodge + 2 stop. 1 took 10 minutes and another 30 minutes we took breaks to get fresh air and to stretch our legs. If we didn't take any stops, it would take 9 hours to get there with no stops. We stopped at Taumarunui school and Hamilton gardens. It was cool because there were different flowers. When We were at mt ruapehu we skied down happy valley and I went really fast and I fell  and got really hurt but I never gave up and I recommend if you ski you should do a pizza shape so you don't fall because if you do you could get really hurt so I hope you good luck. Day 1 we all came to school at 7:30 and check our stuff off and then p