
Hi bloggers, on Tuesday 22nd of the October it was Kiwisports day. I had a some friends who went with me; Ethan, Callum and Zion, there were also some girls in the team. The first activity we did was Hoopla, where there were two teams and we were taggers first and you had to tag the other team. We could tag people by the back to  swap so they ran and I was first up to run and tag people and then they were out and moved on to the next person in line. Once you finished you had to switch teams and we became the runners - my tactic was to run across the hoops when they tagged someone because only runners can go through hoops. We were going up against Hay Park they won because they got the most tags and survived the longest. The next activity was Rob the Nest it was a bit hard because we got split into 3 groups and we had to rob each others nest - when the bean bags ran out in the middle, the leaders would call out rob the nest then we would rob the other nests so at the end I think we won because our side was always winning. The next one was Cricket when it was my turn I hit the ball so hard we were able to get ready before they came back and then at the end we switched and we were fielders so we went for the ball and Zion caught whole. The next activity was Scatterball is where you throw the ball in 3 places and then you had to go threw the hoops to win. Next was T-ball where you hit the ball and then you need to get a home run and when it was my turn I hit it hard and I got full home run.  It was the end of the day and we played tag of war!!! We were hoping to come 1st, I was surprised that we didn't win but when we were doing the top 3 we came 3rd place!!! I was so happy and tired when we walked back we got changed then put our zones clothes away and went back to class. Bye thank you for reading.


  1. Hi my name is Ethan I am from room Manukau, I like how you added heaps of writing and detail, next time you should check your writing twice because I saw one or two double spaces


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