Film Festival

Welcome back to my blog in Term 2 we did Film Festival. Film Festival is a where you write down some ideas and then you write down your play of the topic. The topic we did was Heroes, but not like Spiderman. When we finished we had to film and compete against schools if you made to the top 3 there were 27 entry's and 4 people in each group. It was tough for us because we didn't know much about it so we go some help with some experts. We named our film Bad Luck because the whole thing was kind of bad luck the hero was! Just kidding you will have to watch to find out.  the characters were Aidan, Apollo, Jonathon, Tyson (Me), Nicholas . The main character was Jonathan, Here is  my Film Festival hope you enjoy! Before you watch it our limit of time was 3 minutes our time was 2 minutes and 30 seconds we had ten seconds extra so we added bloopers then it was 2 minutes and 50 seconds.

Did you enjoy? my film it was hard because we had to green screen some bits and edit. We added bloopers at the end to make it funny I hope you enjoyed my blog. I hope you will see my next Friday blog thank you for visiting my blog. Bye!!!


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